

Tony Nudd BA MSc



How to Chunk ACROSS for examples on the same topic at the same level

Often your audience will try to relate the new information you have presented them with knowledge they already have in a similar area.

However, you do not know what they are relating your information to, they might not be understanding you in they way you intended.

During your discussion you want to ensure your audience is "on the same wavelength" as you. To do this you need to add some "similar examples" of what you are presenting.

CHUNKMAPShas an easy technique to help you do this.

Chunking Across is a technique used in order to elicit more examples of the current topic, phrase or word.

Used effectively, Chunking ACROSS will allow you to produce a richer and more versatile picture of your current chunk.

General questions used to Chunk ACROSS are:

- What is another example of this ?

- What else is in the same category ?


One thing to bear in mind when Chunking ACROSS (or chunking up or chunking down) is that there may be many possibilities, so you should decide what your area of interest, or "Domain", is. This will help to keep your Chunking relevant to your subject.

Let us choose an example Domain of "Border Security"

One of the things we want to discuss about "Border Security" is the issue of bringing into a country foreign "Food". We have previously discussed that "Fresh Fruit" is a specific example of "Food" (Chunk DOWN), so we will use "Fresh Fruit" as our start Chunk.


Our example chunk is "Food" in the context of the Domain "Border Security", you might get the following Chunk:

information chunking across example

The diagram above is an example of a very simple "Chunk Map"

Revisit the questions above and let us Chunk ACROSS:

another information chunking across example

Let us Chunk ACROSS again:

and another information chunking across example

As you "Chunk ACROSS" you will notice the information compliments and enriches the current chunks and draws your audience into a deeper understanding. The resulting Chunk Maps that form also allow you, the author, to visually see the specific relationships between your chunks of information - this in turn allows the possibility of previously un-thought of chunks and relationships to come to mind so enhancing your core research.

TIP: When you Chunk ACROSS you are effectively Chunking UP and then immediately Chunking DOWN, use this as a test to ensure your across-chunk is valid.

Additionally, the visual Chunk Maps allow you, the author, to compliment the Chunks by investigating other related chunks through the use of, for example, a dictionary, thesaurus, internet searches etc.

Chunking ACROSS results in deeper and consolidated understanding of the current chunks in the Chunk Map.

Whenever you are discussing the specific details of anything, remember to continually "Chunk ACROSS" to give your audience more examples to back up your details.

While Chunking ACROSS you should then, where appropriate, Chunk UP and Chunk DOWN on these new (ACROSS) chunks. This is taking your audience on a mini "Journey of Persuasion" within the main "Journey of Persuasion" and ultimatley influencing their decision and understanding to the way you want.

Next Article: What Is A Chunk Map

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